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Cant complete masters thesis

Cant complete masters thesis

cant complete masters thesis

When you say, “Write my essay,” and we agree to help you, we promise Cant Complete Masters Thesis to deliver what you need. If you are dissatisfied, we will revise it /10() Look for a topic which is better aligned to your interest and maybe look for a different advisor. It might be better to study a bit longer, but have a good thesis. Try to get through with it. In my optinion the worst option, but if you just want to graduate quickly, it is an option. Reviews: 8 Answer (1 of 2): The most likely cause is fear - fear that your work won’t be “good enough”, that your topic is unimportant, that you aren’t sure if your writing will be acceptable, if your reviewers will like your work, or other factors that involve external judgement of your work. There are oth

thesis - What to do if I cannot complete my Masters dissertation tasks? - Academia Stack Exchange

Academia Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for academics and those enrolled in higher education. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I am doing my masters in the UK and at final stage of my dissertation. First I will have to confess that I regret that I selected this dissertation as cant complete masters thesis is something which I failed to get a clear idea about.

I don't know if it is because I cannot understand the ideas that my supervisor is trying to communicate with me. First my target was to implement an algorithm I was given only a specific field and asked me to select an algorithm using a language that I had never used before.

I used to meet regularly and given research papers to read to clarify any doubt I had. There was no support in the implementation other than the research papers. Also no one to guide on the computer language I needed to use for the implementation. By June, I was stuck a little bit in the implementation and when I expressed some doubts, I was told there is not enough time for implementation now as I am not able to understand it so take an existing software which implemented the said algorithm and create some cant complete masters thesis improvements.

I spent a lot of time, more than a month for just setting up the work environment and understanding how that software works. I am not very confident to speak out so I thought I will eventually get a hang of it. After a thorough research I realised that the said software is widely used all over the world and has been optimised in all possible ways already.

But it was already too late and at the end I am left with almost nothing but some failed trials. Now the deadline to submit my masters dissertation is in a week and when I spoke to my supervisor about the limitations of the software and why I cannot optimise it last week, cant complete masters thesis, I was given a new research paper to read and asked to try their approach.

I learned a lot in this research, many algorithms, some new software, computer languages etc, but it was not focussed. I don't know what I will write in my report as the project is supposed to be a study with evaluation and testing to show as a proof to my conclusions. I have already written a literature review of 35 pages and about 10 pages about the software I am trying to optimise.

I cannot submit just that and I don't think it is a good idea to continue new trials now as I cant complete masters thesis not be able to complete writing my report which needs to be around pages with just one week left, cant complete masters thesis. What can I do to make sure I will pass my dissertation? Please advise. NB: I know it is a long question, sorry about that. I felt I need to write the context to explain my situation.

I continued and completed my thesis with all the failed trials. Added some sections in the thesis comparing the different approaches I tried, findings based the trials and some suggestions for future work. Even though I was paranoid till the results came out, I passed with distinction. The unpleasant reality is that it is entirely possible that you may not pass your dissertation. In fact, cant complete masters thesis, given what you've written here, I would be surprised if you did as of right now.

Graduate level work is hard. I mean if research were easy everyone would be doing it right? And so some of the things Graduate students need to learn early in their career is time management, planning and asking for help as needed.

In an ideal world your advisor would have caught your floundering much earlier in the process but academia, as life, isn't always ideal, cant complete masters thesis. A good rule of thumb is if, by the halfway point of your timeline so 1 year into a 2 year Masters for example you don't have a solid plan for accomplishing your goal that includes timelines, goalposts and a plan to catch cant complete masters thesis on additional material you need then you have a problem.

By June, then, warning bells should have been going off in your head. I have some sympathy everyone has to learn this stuff on their own at some point but not too much. Part of graduate level Computer Science work, at least, means figuring out languages and implementations on your own.

It sounds like you were looking for something a little more guided, more like undergraduate courses, but that's not how it works for Graduate level research, cant complete masters thesis. That you are a week out and just now casting about for a solution, cant complete masters thesis, that you, after running into the exact same problem when asking for help too late in June, just now found out that you could not implement improvements on a preexisting software suite these are massively problematic.

Ideally after the issues in June you should have chosen low hanging fruit for your last ditch effort of improving someone elses' suite. The first thing your lit review on that software suite should have contained is a list of potential pitfalls or limitations of the software and rough ideas on improvements. Now that's all rather negative.

I've written it because, from what you've written, cant complete masters thesis, you seem to not get what the fundamental problem has been for your research experience. All that being said there may still be solutions but it's going to be hard work, cant complete masters thesis. It sounds like these implementations different softwares are focused on a particular field or topic.

An option, a hard to do going to take overnights for the next week, cant complete masters thesis, option would be to do benchmarks and comparisons of currently available software. A study of the limitations and weaknesses and strengths of currently available software can be a viable topic.

That it took you a month to set up the environment to run the software you were trying to improve means that this would potentially be very hard for you to do in a week. An option is to take the software you have now and run exhaustive benchmarks and analysis on that specific software. I'm not suggesting this as a 'run out and do it now!

Honestly even the most on-the-ball student who has had no issues would be hard pressed to write a decent dissertation in cant complete masters thesis week.

That's a student who has all of their data. But a passing dissertation is a possiblity. Your first step is to go talk to your advisor as soon as possible. Explain the current situation, explain a potential solution exhaustive benchmarks on a particular software or comparative benchmarks between different software implementations and, finally, cant complete masters thesis what you are going to do to make sure that the day before the dissertation is due you won't have another emergency situation like you have right now.

First of all, I fully agree with the points Nahkki made - take some time to reflect those points! From a practical standpoint I see different options some depending on your university's regulations:. I usually want to talk about their thesis, what they did and why it was great.

This gives the best impression on the future performance of the person. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more, cant complete masters thesis.

What to do if I cannot complete my Masters dissertation tasks? Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 3 months ago. Active 5 years, 6 months ago. Viewed 14k times. Postscript: I continued and completed my thesis with all the failed trials.

thesis masters computer-science. Improve this question. edited Jun 10 '20 at Community Bot 1. asked Aug 27 '14 at cant complete masters thesis User User 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. Why not talk to your advisor and ask for extension? What's the problem with graduating a few months late? scaaahu I am not sure if you are from the UK, but you tend to only get given extensions for work in the UK if you have extenuating circumstances such as illness or bereavement.

For my undergraduate disseration, I was given a week's extension because I was off sick with a really bad ear infection, but this had to be formally approved by the head of department and was nothing to do with my supervisor.

I agree with scaaahu here. If your work is not good enough for a dissertation, you cannot present something that is not good enough.

So, an extension is the only thing you can cant complete masters thesis. Next time, ask for help much sooner, cant complete masters thesis. scaaahu there is no option for extension — User Show 3 more comments. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer.

answered Aug 27 '14 at Nahkki Nahkki 2, 10 10 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges. thanks for the detailed answer. so i will most probably fail it as i fear. anyway i will have to give it a go : — User newbie: Do your best. The piece of paper is awesome, true, but you've learned a lot and it's not going to be the end of the world.

Take the lessons you learned and go into the future ready to kick it's butt! i will.

Writing A 10,000 Word Master's Dissertation In 2 Weeks

, time: 9:01

Advice for graduate students having difficulty finishing their dissertations (essay)

cant complete masters thesis

Thanks Cant Complete Masters Thesis for helping me and my friends with college papers! You have the best essay writers really. And it’s amazing how you deal with urgent orders! When I picked a 3 hour deadline, I didn’t believe you’d make it on time/10() Aug 03,  · I am so glad to hear that you are resolved to complete your dissertation, recognize that what you’re doing isn’t working and are open to new experiments for the upcoming academic year. There’s an important reason that nearly half of graduate students who start doctoral programs don’t finish -- they never complete their dissertations Look for a topic which is better aligned to your interest and maybe look for a different advisor. It might be better to study a bit longer, but have a good thesis. Try to get through with it. In my optinion the worst option, but if you just want to graduate quickly, it is an option. Reviews: 8

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