We work in a Career Development Dissertation very competitive market, and we aim to be the best among the writing websites. Thus Career Development Dissertation we make sure that all our cheap essays written for you meet the most compelling academic demands both in content and in formatting/10() Abstract: This thesis explores the meaning of career as a phenomenon and its implication for career guidance. In , career as a phenomenon was more or less considered to be an obsolete or even extinct phenomenon. Since then, career guidance has received increased attention along with the increased interest in lifelong learning strategies. READ MORE Our "Career Development" experts can research and write a NEW, ONE-OF-A-KIND, ORIGINAL dissertation, thesis, or research proposal—JUST FOR YOU—on the precise "Career Development" topic of your choice. Our final document will match the EXACT specifications that YOU provide, guaranteed. We have the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to complete virtually any
Career development planning and counseling connected with this issue are rather helpful o people whose lives are complicated by various health and psychological problems, stresses, and depressions. Being confused about the variety of life problems, these people might need guidance as to where to direct their working energy and potential.
Using the techniques of career genogram, career development dissertation, multiple counseling sessions, and specially selected intervention types, career development dissertation, I will try to retrieve as much information as possible from the client to help her in solving her further career development uncertainties.
The major use of the career genogram is the ability to see if the family of the client influences her career development and educational choices Genogram, Accordingly, both family influence and the possible genetic inclination of Alaina to work in education can affect her career development career development dissertation, even if her rationale tells her to choose another alternative.
First of all, this information allows getting closer acquainted with the client, which helps in the establishment of friendly and cooperative relations between the counselor and the client during the counseling sessions. Knowing the background of the client, it is possible to find the hidden reasons for some phenomena that neither client nor other counselors could explain. This fact and the family status of a married woman with two children explain the confusion of the client who wants to find another career development direction but is always directed to work as a teacher.
Moreover, the initially retrieved information allows understanding the reasons that made the client apply for counseling and helps the counselor build further sessions with this client. The reason that made Alaina apply for counseling in the career issues was her confusion about her future. In more detail, Alaina has immense experience of working in various positions ranging from an elementary school teacher to the company career development dissertation development consultant.
Her educational record is also impressive but rather wide in scope, which does not allow Alaina to focus on one particular sphere of activity.
Alaina holds a B. in English summa cum laude with a minor in Journalism, and an M. with distinction in Education, thinks of working as a sports journalist, dietician, or elementary school teacher. Career development dissertation situation is complicated by the mild low-grade depression that made Alaina address psychologists and take fluoxetine daily.
Being lost in this variety of advice, career development dissertation, perspectives, and uncertainties, Alaina addressed the career development counselor to help her career development dissertation the career development plan. On the whole, there are three major issues career development dissertation Alaina faces in her life and that prevent her from making her own choices based on a firm confidence in their correctness.
According to the level of seriousness of those issues, they can career development dissertation placed in the following order from the most to the least serious:. The genetic issue is placed to the top as it is the most difficult one to solve, and is behind the power of career counseling. The depression issue is the second most serious as it prevents Alain from deciding and acting according to her own will and rationale. Finally, psychological pressure from outside is considered to be the least serious because it can be fought directly through the counseling sessions and seems, career development dissertation, at this stage of the case development, to be career development dissertation easiest one to solve.
It is necessary to mention that the client, in this case, is suffering a mild form of low-grade depression. This fact is rather important because the very process of counseling, the techniques, career development dissertation, and intervention types chosen, as well as the number of sessions needed, depend greatly upon the psychological state of the career development dissertation and the change of this state during the counseling process. Therefore, the fact that Alaina experiences low-grade depression and needs to take 20 mg of fluoxetine daily makes the career development dissertation of the counseling in this particular case more careful and more varied at career development dissertation same time.
This will allow preserving the psychological balance of the person, or at least will not allow worsening the depression state experienced by Alaina, career development dissertation. The assets and strengths of the client, in this case, are rather numerous. This can be explained career development dissertation both the family background and the personal commitment of Alaina to her educational and professional development.
First of all, the client currently possesses a great variety of educational work and counseling skills retrieved from her work in the school and the consulting firm. Alaina has the communicative skills and the knowledge of the basic teaching techniques applied for both teachings the students at elementary schools and consulting adults in their professional matters and developmental issues. Moreover, Alaina displays a firm commitment to the acquisition of additional skills, mainly concerning other spheres of activity including journalism, counseling, and even dietician practice.
Based on her sporting background, Alaina aims at becoming a professional journalist writing on sports or a dietician, at whose position she might use her knowledge and acquire new skills in counseling and helping people. Based on this background information, it is obvious that the issue with Alaina is that she does not dare make decisions about her future career.
These are the main decisions she must take to solve the problems she faces and overcome the psychological stress and depression Brown et al. Individualized interpretations and modeling seem the most effective interventions in the case as they will allow involve the client in the counseling process and make the number of sessions needed less as the client will not only enjoy the outcomes of the work but participate in it and learn to cope with her problems faster Brown et career development dissertation. Social Cognitive Career Theory SCCT approach can also be of help as it presupposes the idea of the rationality of career choices made by people and unconditional reception of the expected outcomes of career choice activities if the career development dissertation are carried out properly Lenz et al.
All the above considered, it is necessary to increase the potential efficiency of the career development counseling through the establishment of the working alliance and partnership relations with the client Bolles,pp. To establish rapport, encouragement, and support from the client, it is necessary to use some of the 12 essential skills of the career counselor.
Each of these skills, as well as any combination of these skills, is greatly useful for establishing contact with the client. The 12 essential skills of the counselor will allow letting Alaina know that the counselor understands her issue and her attitude to it is ready to listen to and consider any comments and remarks she might want to make on the issue and can help her only if she is committed to participating in this work.
Multicultural issues are also involved in establishing working contacts with the client. Being a daughter of a Greek mother and an Irish-American father, career development dissertation, Alaina displays the features typical of these nations.
Having inherited Greek character traits, Alaina is rather expressive and emotional in her thoughts and activities, but she is taught to obey her parents and to consider their decisions to be the most adequate ones, career development dissertation. Accordingly, in establishing contact with Alaina, the counselor should pay attention to these multicultural issues and avoid imposing his decisions or ideas upon Alaina. Considering the above information, it is necessary to establish the goals for the counseling process and involve the client in this process SCU, The major goals should be to solve the problem reported by Alaina and help her decide her future career development direction.
As well, the minor goals might be to teach Alaina to defend her opinion and ground it against the advice career development dissertation others in case if this advice contradicts her preference. Finally, the goals will include letting Alaina define her career development priorities and see how she might realize her plans in practice.
Further extension of the counseling process can be resorted to in case of necessity SCU, Given the complicated psychological and social conditions in which Alaina has to operate, the vocational assessment is viewed as an excessive measure that might bring more harm than use to the counseling process Perry, Therefore, career development dissertation vocational assessment will be carried out at this stage of the counseling.
The information about the counseling, training, and employment opportunities, if given to the client at the right time, will greatly facilitate the counseling efficiency Whiston,p, career development dissertation. Firstly, Alaina will see that she is not the only person with a career development problem, career development dissertation.
Secondly, the client will observe the people who have already gone through counseling and succeeded in their careers after it. Finally, the access to the employment resources will give Alaina a clear focus for her future and provide specific data on where she could apply her skills or what additional skills she might need in the position Whiston, career development dissertation,p.
The best job sources today include CareerBuilder, Indeed, SimplyHired CraigsList, Monster, Yahoo! Hot Jobs, and even the website of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Alaina will have to specifically state the steps she has taken to reach her goals during the particular month and assess the efficiency of those steps critically, career development dissertation. Moreover, Alaina will be career development dissertation to offer any improvements if she considers something to be necessary to help her solve her career development problems, career development dissertation. Finally, if the counselor or the client observes the lack of the expected results of career development dissertation, additional sessions should be appointed to work on the points that were lost at first and led to the complications.
Career Development Plan and Counseling. Learn More. Our academic experts can deliver a custom essay specifically for you. Use discount. Learn more. Bolles, R. Ten Speed Press. Brown, S. Critical ingredients of career choice interventions: More analyses and new hypotheses.
Journal of Vocational Behavior62, Lenz, J, career development dissertation. et al. Examining cognitive career theories: Current status, future trends, implications for the development and implementation of guidance services. Perry, D. A Tool for Finding the Right Match between People with Disabilities and Occupations. Whiston, S. Career Counseling and Interventions. The Counseling Psychologist, 30 2 The following paper on Career Development Plan and Counseling was written by a student and can be used for your research or references.
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Career Development Dissertation, Essay About Life In Prison, Popular Essays Writer Service For School, Essay Designing Wallpaper "Excellent work and /10() Nov 20, · The major use of the career genogram is the ability to see if the family of the client influences her career development and educational choices (Genogram, ). Seeing that Alaina’s mother and sister are teachers, it becomes obvious why Alaina worked as a teacher, and why she currently considers going back to school Abstract: This thesis explores the meaning of career as a phenomenon and its implication for career guidance. In , career as a phenomenon was more or less considered to be an obsolete or even extinct phenomenon. Since then, career guidance has received increased attention along with the increased interest in lifelong learning strategies. READ MORE
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