Saturday, November 27, 2021

Lowering the drinking age to 18 essay

Lowering the drinking age to 18 essay

lowering the drinking age to 18 essay

Apr 12,  · At 18 you can get married, vote, pay taxes, take out loans or risk your life as a member of the U. S. military. But the law in our country says that no alcoholic beverages may be sold to anyone until the age of Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins APA Essay - Lowering the Drinking Age. Abstract This paper will explore the pros and the cons of lowering the drinking age from 21 to The Minimum Legal Drinking Age Laws (MLDA) believes that lowering age limits would lower the amount of Drinking under the influence (DUI). 3/5(5) Mar 01,  · The minimum legal drinking age(MLDA) in the United States was 18 years old until , when all fifty states raised their legal drinking age to 21 or older. The drinking age should be lowered from 21 years old to 18 years old because at that age one legally becomes an adult, it would reduce the amount of unsafe drinking activity, and there are fewer drunk driving car accidents in many other Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 -

Immediately you can smoke cigarettes, vote, be a jury member, even join the military and fight for your country. No, you will have to wait until your As an American citizens we are given many responsibilities at the age of One of them not being the ability to consume alcohol.

So I believe that at the age of 18 should come the responsibility of legally partaking of alcohol. At 18 you can get married, vote, pay taxes, take out loans or risk your life as a member of the U. But the law in our country says that no alcoholic beverages may be sold to anyone until the age of Who lowering the drinking age to 18 essay that 21 is the magical age that makes one intelligent and mature enough to consume alcohol.

Sure some adults abuse alcohol and some teenagers would be able to drink responsibly. While 21 may be the legal drinking age in the U. no scientific evidence exists proving this is the age at which young people can safely begin drinking alcohol.

Bryan Knowles. By lowering the drinking age it would take away some of the temptation involved with alcohol, lowering the drinking age to 18 essay. In a study by Dr. Engs, professor of applied health and sciencefound that by increasing the legal drinking age, young people tend to abuse alcohol more. In actuality raising the drinking age was much worse than doing nothing.

Order custom essay Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 with free plagiarism report. Drinking is more exciting when it is illegal. If we do away with this concept then we are left we people partaking in less booze filled nights. Leaving the decision of alcohol mostly to the family is the best scheme if the aim is to reduce underage drinking.

We should also focus on safe drinking instead of age restrictions. Educating on the power of alcohol instead of just telling them not to drink it would create a better understanding for our lowering the drinking age to 18 essay ones Other countries like France, have a much lower rate of alcohol abuse. This comes from educated and gradual drinking. American teens have not learned to drink gradually or in moderation. We need to focus on educating our young people on safe drinking and as a social activity, instead of a type of escape.

Why is there still a problem if alcohol education currently exists? Because current alcohol education in high school and college teaches the following: This is how you drink responsibly, now don't drink because you are too young. How does anyone expect students to listen to a teacher when this gibberish is coming from their mouth? First you need to properly educate young adults. Second, you need trust them. If you treat young adults like children they will act like children. If you treat young adults as responsible adults they will act maturely.

While most parents agree lowering the drinking age to 18 essay serving alcohol to groups of minors should be prohibited, many also reserve the right to introduce their teenage children to alcohol, lowering the drinking age to 18 essay. Supervised, moderate exposure to alcohol in the home with family lays the foundation for a healthy respect for alcohol and its associated responsibilities. At 21, does all the maturity and intelligence we need to navigate this earth finally dawn on us!

Well, lowering the drinking age to 18 essay, our country seem to think so. But look on the bright side, there will always be a beer waiting for you when you are of age.

This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it.

Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Lowering the Drinking Age to Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Apr 12, Accessed November 27, comApr What would happen If the drinking age were lowered for those In the military? Xx xx English Mrs. Xix 20 Par XX Military Drinking Age 1 What would happen. Dominicia Ferrell Mrs. Burns English December 1, Should the legal drinking age be raised or lowered?

Should the drinking age be lowered to eighteen years old, when one. Listening to the news on television, hearing other students talk about it, is it really true, or are they going to lower the drinking age to 18?

This is not. Alcohol is used for many reasons among people. Teenagers and underage drinkers are known to drink for the following; rebellion, peer pressure, celebration, insomnia, anxiety, sadness, and boredom are just.

Introduction Attention-Getter: How many of you are 18? For those of you who are, 18 years old you are considered adults in nearly all aspects of the law, including voting. Should alcohol drinking age be decreased of increased? In my opinion it should be decreased because if we are classified as an adult and we are allowed to get married.

Should drinking age be increased to It is no secret, that people drink alcohol before they turn Stories about drinking on college campuses and high school parties are. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible.

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Lower The Drinking Age To 18?

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Lowering the Drinking Age to 18 - Free Essay Example |

lowering the drinking age to 18 essay

APA Essay - Lowering the Drinking Age. Abstract This paper will explore the pros and the cons of lowering the drinking age from 21 to The Minimum Legal Drinking Age Laws (MLDA) believes that lowering age limits would lower the amount of Drinking under the influence (DUI). 3/5(5) Argumentative Essay Oct. 29, Lowering the drinking age to 18 The legal drinking age in the United States is twenty-one and older. Some states have been pushing to lower the age to eighteen. Some say that lowering the age would make it more dangerous, but that is not the case. This would be beneficial to the government and to the public Mar 01,  · The minimum legal drinking age(MLDA) in the United States was 18 years old until , when all fifty states raised their legal drinking age to 21 or older. The drinking age should be lowered from 21 years old to 18 years old because at that age one legally becomes an adult, it would reduce the amount of unsafe drinking activity, and there are fewer drunk driving car accidents in many other Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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