Saturday, November 27, 2021

Master thesis on digital image processing

Master thesis on digital image processing

master thesis on digital image processing

Image Processing is another field in Computer Science and a popular topic for a thesis in Computer Science. There are two types of image processing – Analog and Digital Image Processing. Digital Image Processing is the process of performing operations on digital images using computer-based algorithms to alter its features for enhancement or OSIRIS Student Mobile The MAIA master provided me with a stimulating environment to learn about different imaging techniques and image processing algorithms applicable in the medical field. The knowledge I obtained enabled me to develop frameworks for computer-aided diagnosis that I could put into practice during my internship

Latest thesis topics in digital image processing| Research Topics

Dither is an intentionally applied form of noise used to randomize quantization errorpreventing large-scale patterns such as color banding in images. Dither is routinely used in processing of both digital audio and video data, and is often one of the last stages of mastering audio to a CD. A common use of dither is converting a grayscale image master thesis on digital image processing black and whitesuch that the density of black dots in the new image approximates the average gray-level in the original.

Airplane bombers used mechanical computers to perform navigation and bomb trajectory calculations. Curiously, these computers boxes filled with hundreds of gears and cogs performed more accurately when flying on board the aircraft, and less well on ground.

Engineers realized that the vibration from the aircraft reduced the error from sticky moving parts. Instead of moving in short jerks, master thesis on digital image processing moved more continuously. Small vibrating motors were built into the computers, and their vibration was called dither from the Middle English verb "didderen," meaning "to tremble.

In minute quantities, dither successfully makes a digitization system a little more analog in the good sense of the word. The term dither was published in books on analog computation and hydraulically controlled guns shortly after World War II.

Roberts [4] in his MIT master's thesis [5] and article. Dither is utilized in many different fields where digital processing and analysis are used. These uses include systems using digital signal processingsuch as digital audiodigital videodigital photographyseismologyradar and weather forecasting systems.

Quantization yields error. If that error is correlated to the signal, the result is potentially cyclical or predictable. In some fields, especially where the receptor is sensitive to such artifacts, cyclical errors yield undesirable artifacts.

In these fields introducing dither converts the error to random noise. The field of audio is a primary example of this. The human ear functions much like a Fourier transform master thesis on digital image processing, wherein it hears individual frequencies. In an analog system, the signal is continuousbut in a PCM digital system, the amplitude of the signal out of the digital system is limited to one of a set of fixed values or numbers.

This process is called quantization. Each coded value is a discrete step if a signal is quantized without using dither, there will be quantization distortion related to the original input signal In order to prevent this, the signal is "dithered", a process that mathematically removes the harmonics or other highly undesirable distortions entirely, and that replaces it with a constant, fixed noise level.

The final version of audio that goes onto a compact disc contains only 16 bits per sample, but throughout the production process, a greater number of bits are typically used to represent the sample. In the end, the digital data must be reduced to 16 bits for pressing onto a CD and distributing. There master thesis on digital image processing multiple ways to do this.

One can, for example, simply discard the excess bits — called truncation. One can also round the excess bits to the nearest value. Each of these methods, however, results in predictable and determinable errors in the result.

Using dither replaces these errors with a constant, fixed noise level. Take, master thesis on digital image processing, for example, a waveform that consists of the following values:.

Take for example a sine wave that, for some portion, matches the values above. Every time the sine wave's value hit 3. Every time the sine wave's value hit 4. The magnitude of this error changes regularly and repeatedly throughout the sine wave's cycle.

It is precisely this error which manifests itself as distortion. What the ear hears as distortion is the additional content at discrete frequencies created by the regular and repeated quantization error. A plausible solution would be to take the 2 digit number say, 4. For example, it could be rounded to 5 one time and then 4 the next time. This would make the long-term average 4.

This, on the other hand, master thesis on digital image processing, still results in determinable though more complicated error. Every other time the value 4. This still results in a repeating, quantifiable error. Another plausible solution would be to take 4. This would average out to exactly 4. Unfortunately, however, it still results in repeatable and determinable errors, and those errors still manifest themselves as distortion to the ear.

This leads to the dither solution. Rather than predictably rounding up or down in a repeating pattern, it is possible to round up or down in a random pattern. If a series of random numbers between 0, master thesis on digital image processing.

are calculated and added to the results of the equation, two times out of ten the result will truncate back to 4 if 0. Over the long haul these results will average to 4. This noise is less offensive to the ear than the determinable distortion that other solutions would produce.

Dither is added before any quantization or re-quantization process, in order to de-correlate the quantization noise from the input signal and to prevent non-linear behavior distortion. Quantization with lesser bit depth requires higher amounts of dither.

The result of the process still yields distortion, but the distortion is of a random nature so the resulting noise is, effectively, de-correlated from the intended signal. In a seminal papers published in the AES JournalLipshitz and Vanderkooy pointed out that different noise types, with different probability density functions PDFs behave differently when used as dither signals, [13] and suggested optimal levels of dither signal for audio. Gaussian noise requires a higher level of added noise for full elimination of distortion than noise with rectangular or triangular distribution.

Triangular distributed noise also minimizes noise modulation — audible changes in the volume level of residual noise behind quiet music that draw attention to the noise. Dither can be useful to break up periodic limit cycleswhich are a common problem in digital filters, master thesis on digital image processing.

Random noise is typically less objectionable than the harmonic tones produced by limit master thesis on digital image processing. Rectangular probability density function RPDF dither noise has a uniform distribution ; any value in the specified range has the same probability of occurring. Triangular probability density function TPDF dither noise has a triangular distribution ; values in the center of the range have a higher probability of occurring. Triangular distribution can be achieved by adding two independent RPDF sources.

Gaussian PDF has a normal distribution. The relationship of probabilities of results follows a bell-shaped, or Gaussian curvetypical of dither generated by analog sources such as microphone preamplifiers. If the bit depth of a recording is sufficiently great, master thesis on digital image processing, that preamplifier noise will be sufficient to dither the recording. Noise shaping is a filtering process that shapes the spectral energy of quantization error, typically to either de-emphasize frequencies to which the ear is most sensitive or separate the signal and noise bands completely.

If dither is used, its final spectrum depends on whether it is added inside or outside the feedback loop of master thesis on digital image processing noise shaper. If inside, the dither is treated as part of the error signal and shaped along with actual quantization error.

If outside, the dither is treated as part of the original signal and linearises quantization without being shaped itself. In this case, the final noise floor is the sum of the flat dither spectrum and the shaped quantization noise. While real-world noise shaping usually includes in-loop dithering, it is also possible to use it without adding dither at all, in which case quantization error is evident at low signal levels, master thesis on digital image processing.

Colored dither is sometimes mentioned as dither that has been filtered to be different from white noise. Noise shaping is one such application. If a colored dither is used instead at these intermediate processing stages, then frequency content may " bleed " into other frequency ranges that are more noticeable and become distractingly audible.

If the signal being dithered is to undergo no further processing — if it is being dithered to its final result for distribution — then a "colored" dither or noise shaping is appropriate.

This can effectively lower the audible noise level, by putting most of that noise in a frequency range where it is less critical. Dithering is used in computer graphics to create the illusion of color depth in images on systems with a limited color palette.

In a dithered image, colors that are not available in the palette are approximated by a diffusion of colored pixels from within the available palette. The human eye perceives the diffusion as a mixture of the colors within it see color vision. Dithered images, particularly those using palettes with relatively few colors, can often be distinguished by a characteristic graininess or speckled appearance. Dithering introduces noise or a pattern into an image, and often the patterning is visible.

In these circumstances, it has been shown that dither generated from blue noise is the least unsightly and distracting. However, other techniques such as ordered dithering can also generate blue-noise dithering without the tendency to degenerate into areas with artifacts. Reducing the color depth of an image can have significant visual side-effects. If the original image is a photograph, it is likely to have thousands or even millions of distinct colors.

The process of constraining the available colors to a specific color palette effectively throws away a certain amount of color information. A number of factors can affect the resulting quality of a color-reduced image. Perhaps most significant is the color palette that will be used in the reduced image.

For example, an original image Figure 1 may be reduced to the color web-safe palette. If the original pixel colors are simply translated into the closest available color from the palette, no dithering will occur Figure 2. However, typically this approach will result in flat areas contours and a loss of detail and may produce patches of color that are significantly different from the original.

Shaded or gradient areas may produce color banding which may be distracting. The application of dithering can help to minimize such visual artifacts and usually results in a better representation of the original Figure 3.

Dithering helps to reduce color banding and flatness. One of the problems associated with using a fixed color palette is that many of the needed colors may not be available in the palette, and many of the available colors may not be needed; a fixed palette master thesis on digital image processing mostly shades of green would not be well-suited for an image of a desertfor instance. The use of an optimized color palette can be of benefit in such cases. An optimized color palette is one in which the available colors are chosen based on how frequently they are used in the original source image.

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master thesis on digital image processing

Oct 19,  · The image is Rescale by multiplying the image data with numeric value at the initial state of the image processing. The coefficient range of the image is and it is known as RGB image. But the range of the image is very high in our proposed model No. Description: Action: Review Material (Brief tutorials on probability, linear algebra, and linear systems for readers of Digital Image Processing (all editions).: Download: Labeling Connected Components (Section of the ed. of the DIP book).: Download: Relations, Equivalence, and Transitive Closure (Section of the ed. of the DIP book) The Digital Transformation and Innovation program is a multi-faculty collaboration between the Telfer School of Management, the Faculty of Arts, and the Faculty of Engineering to train highly qualified professionals to create, manage and research the profound change to our world that is happening as a result of electronic digital technology

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