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Research paper on teenage pregnancy
Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Adolescent pregnancy, occurring in girls aged 10—19 years, remains a serious health and social problem worldwide, and has been associated with numerous risk factors evident in the young people's family, peer, school, and neighbourhood contexts.
To assess the prevalence of adolescent pregnancy and associated factors in the South African context, as part of a population-based household survey that formed part of an evaluation of the impact of loveLife, South Africa's national HIV prevention campaign for young people, teenage pregnancy essays.
A cross-sectional population-based household survey was conducted using a multi-stage stratified teenage pregnancy essays sampling approach. The total sample included participants, aged 18—24, Among female youth In multivariable analysis among women it was found that being employed or unemployed, greater teenage pregnancy essays, having higher sexually permissive attitudes and scoring higher on the contraceptive or the condom use index was associated with adolescent pregnancy, and among men wanting the pregnancy and having a sense of the future were associated with adolescent pregnancy.
Adolescent pregnancy was found to be high in this sample of South African youth. Multiple factors contributing to adolescent pregnancy have been identified which can be used in targeting young people on the prevention of adolescent pregnancy. While HIV is one of the unintended consequences of unprotected sexual intercourse, pregnancy is another indicator that young people are having unprotected sex, teenage pregnancy essays.
Adolescent pregnancy interferes with young women's educational attainment, resulting in fewer job opportunities for young women. Therefore, the aim of our study was to investigate the prevalence adolescent pregnancy and associated factors in the South African teenage pregnancy essays, as part of a large population-based household survey that formed part of an evaluation of the impact of loveLife, teenage pregnancy essays, South Africa's national HIV prevention campaign for young people.
We conducted a cross-sectional population-based household survey using a multi-stage stratified cluster sampling approach. A total of census enumeration areas EAs from the population census were selected from a database of 86 EAs and mapped in using aerial photography to create a new updated master sample to use as a basis for sampling households.
The selection of EAs was stratified by province and locality type, teenage pregnancy essays. Locality types were urban formal, urban informal, teenage pregnancy essays, rural formal including commercial farmsteenage pregnancy essays, and rural informal. In the formal urban areas, teenage pregnancy essays, race type was also used as a third stratification variable based on the predominant racial group in the selected EA at the time of the census.
The allocation of EAs to different stratification categories was disproportionate, that means, over-sampling teenage pregnancy essays over-allocation of EAs occurred in areas that were dominated by Indian, Coloureds or White racial groups to ensure that the minimum required sample size in those smaller race groups is obtained, teenage pregnancy essays.
The selected informed the primary sampling units PSUs. Visiting points VPs or households were used as secondary sampling units SSUs. Within each household, all eligible individuals including consenting and non-consenting individuals aged 18 to 24 years selected for the survey were the ultimate sampling unit USU.
To obtain an approximately self-weighted sample of visiting points i. SSUsthe EAs were sampled with probability proportional to the size of the EA using the census estimate of the number of visiting points in the EA database as a measure of size MOS. A random sample of 12 VPs was selected from each teenage pregnancy essays the using a systematic sampling approach. A visiting point was defined as a stand with an address that might have one or more than one household.
A household was defined as a group of people living and eating together from the same pot. In each household all eligible household members were invited to participate and interviewed.
The survey included persons of ages 18 to 24 years living in South African households of the four out of nine selected provinces, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape and Gauteng Province, providing an urban-rural representation of South Africa. Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Human Sciences Research Council Research Ethics Committee.
Participants signed informed consent forms. The main outcome variable was adolescent pregnancy, for females 12—19 years and for males had teenage pregnancy essays a girl when they were an adolescent 12—19 years. Using a social-ecological model the following variables were assessed: individual variables contraceptive knowledge, self-esteem, sense of future, control over life, and partner risk reduction self-efficacysocial variables social network resources, peer pressure, sexual attitudes and structural variables poverty, formal education, accessibility to condoms and relationship control.
Pregnancy history information referred to the number of pregnancies including miscarried and terminated teenage pregnancy essays or pregnancies where the baby had died after birth a respondent has ever had or he has had with his partner; adolescent pregnancy was defined as below 20 years of age, teenage pregnancy essays. Contraceptive knowledge was assessed with 9 items, e. Cronbach alpha for the contraceptive knowledge index was 0. Ever contraceptive or condom use was assessed with the items pill, IUD, injectables, emergency contraceptive, male condom and female condom use.
A contraceptive or condom use index was formed by adding up the six items Cronbach alpha 0. Reproductive communication was assessed with 5 items, e. Self-esteem: item Rosenberg self-esteem scale 18with a score of 14 or less indicating low-self-esteem Cronbach alpha 0. No sense of future was classified as those who indicated to all 6 items not to have any sense of future Cronbach alpha 0, teenage pregnancy essays.
Low social network resources were coded 2—5, medium 6—7 and high 8. Sexually permissive attitudes were assessed with 10 items, e. Low sexual permissive attitudes were coded 0, medium 1—2 and high 3— Cronbach alpha for this sexual attitude index was 0.
Low peer pressure was coded 2, medium 3—5 and high 6—8. Women's vulnerability 11 itemse. Cronbach alpha 0. Poverty: 6 items on the availability or non-availability of shelter, fuel or electricity, teenage pregnancy essays, clean water, medicines or medical treatment, food and cash income in the past week, teenage pregnancy essays.
Risk behaviour: Various questions that included the number of lifetime sexual partners, having had two or more sexual partners in the past year, inconsistent not always condom use with the last non-regular sexual partner, early sexual debut below 15 yearsever forced to have sex, concurrent sexual relationships, sex with someone who is much older, sexual intercourse frequency and length of last relationship.
In addition, ever illicit drug use was included as risk behaviour. Alcohol use: Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test AUDIT-C questionnaire, 19 a measure of consumption of alcohol i. Using a cut-off score of 5 or more hazardous or harmful drinking was defined. The data were entered using Census Survey Processing software CSPro. Data from the questionnaires were entered manually and verified.
The verification process included double data entry of all questionnaires and its fields, doing programmed range checks by computer to identify outlying values, checking for missing values, and checking for inconsistencies in the data. Due to the sampling design of the survey some individuals have a greater or lesser probability of selection than others, teenage pregnancy essays.
To correct this problem, sample weights were introduced to correct for potential bias at the EA, household and individual levels and also adjust for non-response. Weighting procedures were undertaken before analysis of the data as follows: the data file of drawn EAs and sites contained the selection probabilities as well as the sampling weights of these EAs and sites. These weights reflect the disproportionate allocation of EAs and sites according to the stratification variables - race, locality type and province, teenage pregnancy essays.
The VP sampling weight was then calculated. Weighted data were analysed using STATA software version Data analysis consisted of both descriptive and inferential statistics.
Associations between key outcome adolescent pregnancy and individual, social and structural variables and programme exposure were evaluated calculating odds ratios OR.
Unconditional multivariable logistic regression was used for evaluation of the impact of explanatory variables for key outcome of adolescent pregnancy binary dependent variables. A total of 5 households was sampled and approached for the interview. Among these Among the valid households Only teenage pregnancy essays that indicated they had a person aged 18 to 24 years were eligible for an individual questionnaire administration.
Of the eligible and valid households Individual interview response rate was Almost all participants were Black Africans The mean age of the sample was Overall, Overall, teenage pregnancy essays, 2. Most young people had medium or high social network resources In general there seemed to be low poverty, Almost one in five Individual, teenage pregnancy essays, social and structural variables and adolescent pregnancy of study sample by gender.
Nineteen percent of respondents got pregnant because they wanted to prove their maturity or identity as women. However, most of the respondents Most respondents Young women were asked about gender related perceptions, which may entrech teenage pregnancy essays power relations between men and women. Some of the unequal power relations were confirmed by a teenage pregnancy essays proportion teenage pregnancy essays the young women. Over half of young women in this study A majority of One in three felt that they are unequal to males and four in five believed women were always vulnerable to violence and abuse.
The young women in this study were asked about communication on various sources about reproduction how babies are made and use of reproductive health services. Eighty-five percent of young women reported that their teacher had talked to them about reproduction, followed by teenage pregnancy essays clinic nurse The majority of the young women contraception, HIV testing.
In multivariable analysis among women it was found that being employed or unemployed, greater poverty, having higher sexually permissive attitudes and teenage pregnancy essays higher on the contraceptive or condom use index was associated with adolescent pregnancy.
Association between individual, social and structural variables, risk status and behaviour and adolescent pregnancy of young women. Association between individual, social and structural variables, teenage pregnancy essays, risk status and behaviour and adolescent pregnancy of male partner. While previous research findings have suggested that individual factors and other predictors such as poverty, low educational level, teenage pregnancy essays, contributed to young women engaging in risky sexual behaviour, leading to unplanned pregnancy in adolescents, 2teenage pregnancy essays, 37teenage pregnancy essays, 821 the findings of this study, showed that more than half of female respondents However, what is equally a social concern is the fact that This finding is a concern because it shows that young South African youth still engage in risky sexual behaviours, not only due to lack of knowledge but due to unfavourable decisions.
It is worth noting that these respondents are between the ages of 18—24 years, thus it is highly unexpected that the majority of them do not understand the risks involved or how teenage pregnancy essays happens particularly when taking into account number of various intervention programmes including Life Orientation which was introduced in that have been implemented, teenage pregnancy essays.
Similar to the findings of the Department of Health study, 22 the findings of the current study did not confirm child-support grant as a possible enticement for girls to become pregnant, teenage pregnancy essays.
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